2014年9月の時点で獲得賞金9億5000万円*以上 の賞金を獲得している米国で活躍中のバスプロ「ケビンバンダム」いよいよ今週末 から アラバマ州 マーティン湖にて バスマスターエリートシリーズ開幕戦 が開催される。そんな彼のガレージ動画から 使用するタックルが紹介されています。英文も起こしておきますので参考までにどうぞ。*wiki-usa 参照
早春〜 タックル2本を紹介
ハイ。ケビンバンダムです。いよいよ今週末からシーズンが開幕する。とてもワクワクしているよ。マーティン湖は ディープクリアー ウォーターで 沢山の スポテッドバス & ラージマウスバス が生息している。自分は フィネスタックルで ディープライン の スポッツ を狙おうと思っているよ。2月の第1週という事もあり とても寒くなる予想。 持参する タックルも ここにあるだけで 27個のベイトリールとなっている 笑。また今回は沢山の スピニングタックル が用意できたんだ。本日は2本の ベイトタックルを紹介しようと思うよ。
アラバマ州 マーティン湖の位置

Quantum Tour KVD Casting Rod 6’10” Mediam Heavy
マーティン湖では ディープダイバー の KVD Deep Jerkbait [画像] を使用する可能性がある。そこでチョイスするのが、HSX64 グラファイトで組み上げられた 610 ミディアムヘビーアクションロッド。リールは100番サイズに ラインはフロロ10ポンドをセットした。価格:17,400円
Quantum Tour KVD Cranking Rod 7’10” Mediam
そして 去年に自身が開発した 200番リールにセットするロッドが、710ミディアム シリーズ。E-Glassというグラスがコンポジットされた クランキングロッドとなる。これに KVD 5XD [画像]クランクベイトをセットして使うんだ。向かい風でも フルキャストが可能となっている。価格:17,400円
Hey Kevin VanDam here. man, I am so excited to be kicking off a new year. I’ve been working on my equipment getting ready for the first Bassmaster Elite at Lake Martin. so it’s a deeper Clear Lake has a lot of spotted bass. it’s got some good large mouths too. you know we’re gonna be there in the first week of February. so I’ve rigged my equipment put lighter line on knowing that I’m gonna be fishing for a lot of spotted bass and things like that a lot of finesse techniques. probably colder water so you know I’ve got a lot of different outfits rigged here. you can see a bunch of them. so I’ve got 27 quantum baits reels ready to go for this tournament. I’ve got a good many spinning outfits.
I wanted to show you a little bit about how I choose my bait casters for the techniques that I like to fish so first and foremost you know that I love to throw jerk baits. I hope that there’s going to be a good jerk bait bite there or good swim bait bite. you know quantum has reel designed for just about every technique what I like to do though is use these reels that really maximize the efficiency of the technique for me you know based on the size of line that I’m using the gear ratio that I’m looking for. this new smoke s3 is just a fantastic reel I started using it early last year you know we tested them for a while and they we actually launched them so they’re available now the great thing about it is it comes in a lot of configurations it’s a 100 series size reel but they put a larger spool in it .
I’m a huge proponent of that I want to be able to make long casts so this is the finest smoothest easiest casting bait cast reel. that I’ve ever used you know I can make a cast with this. you can see the link on the quantum site to a demonstration that I did I mean you really literally don’t have to thumb it 1 a 7 3 2 1 and an 8:1.1 gear ratio so you can have a gear ratio for any technique I like a 6 3 2 1 for this cold water jerkbait season you know I match it with a at or KVD 610 medium heavy action graphite cast and rod and that is my jerk bait set up this thing right here has a soft tip so I can really get a ton of action out of it I’ve got it rigged with pretend 10lb fluorocarbon because I wanted to get a lot of depth out of it got a deep diving straight abroad George Bay down there. this is gonna be the outfit that I’m gonna gonna start with but what it’ll amaze you is just how easy this thing is to throw how far it throws how smooth it is there’s just no hint of a backlash even throwing in the wind though it’s a fantastic new reel from quantum it’s got that smaller frame with a larger spool in it it makes a big difference the other reels
I use are the smoke 200 HD series so this has even a larger spool yet it’s a 200 series reel . this is my workhorse reel you know if you want to fish you know bigger line make super super long cast you know it has the extra line capacity this is the real for you it’s got a great cast control system to it so that even in the wind I can throw a small crank bait a long ways and again again you know on a seven feet 10 inch to a KVD cranking rod like this I’ve got a 5XD tied on here. you know this is a great outfit that extra wide spool allows me to make a 50 or 60 yard cast and still have enough line on there that I’m not hurting my inches per turn or my cranking ratio when I’m bringing it in so again for all my crank bait fishing a smoke 200 HD is the real for me comes in a 5 3 2 1 a 6 3 2 1 and a high-speed version .
It’s right and left hand configuration so whatever you’re interested in they’ve got the perfect wheel for you but this reel right here is fantastic for all those situations also you know if you want to put 65 pound braid on a flipping stick the same scenario you know it’s gonna be all over to manage that heavier line. I still have enough on there if you want to cast with if you’re throwing frogs with it stuff like that it’s just a it’s a workhorse reel for me it’s incredibly smooth so with these two bait cast reels I’ve got something for every single situation that I’m faced with out there. ©tacklewarehouse