米時間 7月8日〜12日にテキサス州で開催されたバスマスターエリートシリーズ「テクソマ湖戦」マイクアイコネリは26位(獲得賞金116万円)でフィッニッシュ。釣り上げた魚は36lb5oz(16.5kg=約43cmを15尾)アイクチャンネルから最新のテクニックがアップされているので要点要約紹介です。英文も起こしておきますので参考までに。
ハイ。日本の皆さん元気にしていたかな? マイクアイコネリです。この一週間はとても辛く厳しい試合を迎えた時間だったよ。このテクソマ湖はマッディーな水質で増水していたがトーナメントが進行していくにつれて減水していった。少し混乱したけど、成績はなんとか26位にとどめたよ。僕が用意したタックルとパターンは2つだけだったんだ。
1つ目はシャッドスポーンパターン。ここのテクソマ湖は標高が高く、春の訪れが遅く、水温も低かった。それゆえに餌となる小魚がまだ産卵期間中だった。だからそれらを狙っているバスをスピナーベイトで狙ったんだ。使用したスピナーベイトは14グラムのシルバースピナーベイトにダブルウィロータイプのモノ。なぜならば小魚の群れに見えるからね。バスは突っ込むようなバイトばかりだったから、トレーラーフックも重要だったよ。狙った場所はボートドッグやマリーナ桟橋のエッジを流していったよ。ロッドは7フィートのミディアムアクション。リールは7:1のギア比にラインは17ポンドをセット。このパターンが効いたのが毎朝 2.3時間のみさ。


Hey tackle warehouse fans ike is here at bass fest at lake texoma. Man, what a challenging event. It was this week you know story the week high water muddy water and then as the tournament progressed falling water. Talk about fish they’re confused this was a really tough event but i had a good finish end up 26th and i relied one bait and two patterns to catch every fish. I weighed this week you know in each morning i would start out for the first hour and a half to two hours and i fished the shad spawn and the shad here. Because the high water and cooler spring we’re still spawning and i targeted boat docks and marina docks and… i used probably one of my favorite shad spawn bait ever made and it’s a spinnerbait and i used a half ounce molix that’s the spinnerbait.
Basically in a shad pattern and i used a double silver willow blade you know the great thing about a spinnerbait is that looks like a little school shad look at those blades and key to this presentation was a three ott vmc trailer hook. A lot of fish was slapping the debate but basically for an hour and a half to two hours. I would throw this bait along the edge of all the docs and marina docks and i caught a couple of fish each morning doing that once about 9 o’clock came i put every rod away except for the big rod the flipping stick and a lot of the fish.
I weight this week came flipping green bushes on points really keep a turn this week for me and i was getting 12 bytes an hour flipping the green bushes on any time. I’m flipping you know, i look for debate that goes in and out of the bushes really easy and you know my favorite bait for that berkeley havoc devil spear there goes right. There is the same color i used it’s watermelon magic red glitter. It’s a great color for off-colored or dirty water and that’s what we had here i finish it with a 50 watt the vmc flipping hook extra heavy flipping hook i used a three-quarter ounce vmc tungsten weight and the vmc bobber stop and one of the things that made it easy was i’d go to that green bush i’d flip directly in the middle of it let it hit the bottom hop at once take it out and go to the next bush 99% of the bites happened on the initial fall. So throw right to the heart and go right out and get to the next bush.
I used 25 pound fluorocarbon not braid. And the reason i use this berkley trilene fluorocarbon is it goes through the bushes much better it goes through quieter and more natural presentation. The other things the rod and reel on the flip and set up. I use the 76 mh ike series. Abu garcia rod perfect for flipping bushes and then i use that abu garcia revo mgx and this is a fast one. This is the seven nine to one great flipping real on the spinner bait. I used abu garcia ike series 7 feet medium action casting rod and i paired that with the mgx revo extreme at 7:1.1 gear ratio real and finally 17 lb fluorocarbon fish around those docks without a doubt shad spawn in the morning flipping bite in the afternoon and that helped me get a top 20 fish and finish here.
special thanks 2 bassmaster.com