A movement comprised of passionate anglers.
米西海岸に拠点を置く Big Bass Dreams というアパレルブランド。2018年夏から 国内メガバス社が ディストリビュート する事になったブランドで有名だ。数年前からのトレンドでもある ビックベイト x ビックバス x ビックマネー が クロスオーバーした ビックベイタースタイル (S-WAVER)で 国内でもこれらのスタイルは根強い人気がある。この他にも BASS BRIGADE や SWIMBAIT UNDERGROUND といったメジャーブランドもアングラーからの支持が熱い。アンダーグラウンドなミュージックシーンに少し似ているかなとも思う。今回は ビックバスドリームス の Oliver氏がデカバスを釣り上げる動画を紹介する。
The Big Bass Dreams project is a movement. A movement comprised of passionate anglers from all walks of life that share the journey, the battles, the ups and downs, the pure excitement and joy that this dream brings us. The story continues and we hope to be able to share it with you as it unfolds through our content, media and experiences as we chase Big Bass Dreams.
Every single BIG fish we catch is captured “Cast to Catch”, almost always with multiple angles. Here is some RAW footage for you to gain some insight on the sequences that comprise the content here at Big Bass Dreams. This is the 2nd angle of Oliver Ngy’s biggest swimbait fish to date. Go back with us, 5 years on this date on a new adventure on a new body of water. At 17.40lb or 17lbs 7oz, this fish along with Mike Gilbert’s fish are the biggest documented and confirmed fish catches caught on video.
Cast to Catch to SCALE. Oliver gives us insight on this life changing sequence. This is just one of the 3 angles we have that feature a 17.40 personal best for Oliver Ngy. So far this is his biggest bass ever. Would you like to see the final POV angle from the head cam? If you guys have any interest in that, please leave a comment! Wishing everybody out there good fishing, positive vibes and hopefully we can all relate on a similar experience when we see each other on the water!