4月にお知らせした記事の続編。バスマスターサポートによる GoPro 映像コンテストの結果が発表された。このコンテストはあのケビンバンダム等が審査員を努めるコンテスト。優勝商品はバスボートと50万円分の GoProグッズが貰えるらしい。受賞したのはシカゴの Brad Novak君でシカゴの町中 (skyscrapers)が映るシカゴ川での撮影で、こんな場所でも魚がいるというのが好印象だったらしい。
“I saw a lot of the videos in the contest and thought they were really good, especially some of the underwater ones,” Novak said. “But none of them had skyscrapers. The lighting, the setting and the surroundings here were really good for capturing something different.“Plus, most people don’t believe that anybody catches fish out of there,” Novak said. Now, there’s evidence to prove that they do.Novak has been one of the beneficiaries of a recent city project to make the Chicago River more accessible to anglers. Before, the platforms rose too high over the water to be able to fish, but now three blocks have opened up to make it much easier for anglers.
special thanks to BASSMASTER.COM