
先週にDean Rojasから少しリークされた米サンラインの新商品が明らかになった。ASSASSIN FCと題してフロロカーボンに P-Ion TECH (Plasma Ion Tecnology) コーティングが施された商品らしい。このP-Ion TECHは去年の5月に磯釣り用のナイロンに施されたテクノロジーらしい。詳細説明動画はコチラからどうぞ!気になる商品ですね。

With ICAST just around the corner I wanted to take some time and introduce you to a product that I am really excited about. The new P-Ion Assassin fluorocarbon by Sunline is an awesome new product that will be a great compliment to the Sniper and Shooter series of lines. The manageability of this new line is outstanding, and there will definitely be a place for it on my reels in the near future! Make sure to try it out when you get a chance, you will not be sorry that you did.
