日本のみなさん元気にしてたかな?見てよ。凄い増水だね。こないだまで岸だった場所が冠水してしまっているよ。ただ狙っている場所は昨日も今日もただ一ヶ所。増水前のショアラインが一級スポットさ。岸よりに生えている植物の根元さ。グリーンシェードにデカバスが潜んでいるようだ。全ては湖の地形さ。(ref: lake configuration)
スピナーベイトでデカバスを獲る秘訣は「ブレードの大きさ」にある。例えばレイクトホで行われた昔のクラシックではブレードのサイズを#6か#7に変えて使用するのが良かった。だからといって今ここでそのサイズのブレードを装着したスピナーベイトを投げるのは好ましくない。結果、魚を散らしてしまう。ここでは#4か#4.5位が丁度いいだろう。ただ先行者がいるフィールドでは既に魚が釣り上げてられてしまっている可能性がある。長年、私は考えに考え抜いた。どうすれば皆が釣っていない魚を獲る事が可能になるのか?初心になり考えに考えた結果、まだ世に出ていないルアーのシルエットを使用するのが一番のぞましいだろうとね。(ref: displayed configuration)
今投げているスピナーベイトは8年前に私がデザインした “Trickster spinnerbait” というんだ。今日は3/4 ozを使用している。ブレードが特殊な形だろ。”long drop”という形なんだ。そうだね。丁度、インディアナブレードとコロラドブレードの間を取っているんだ。結局はメーカーの人間と口論になり上手くビジネスできなかったんだ。この他にもスクエアビルのディープクランクなんかも開発しているよ。早くエンジン直らないかなぁ。
it’s a pattern has been pretty basic all week for me. it’s a spinnerbait contrary to what most people think crankbaits aren’t my favorite the spinner bait is even though I’ve started to have plenty of success on deep divers and square bill able to solve my career. but this is my favorite way to fish and I got on it the first day of practice about midday and then it’s just I loved the way you do know your fish it’s pretty easy to make hit this want to be deep but they’re not leaving the bushes so they’re getting the deepest pushes. the deepest bushes that have our green shade has been my pattern so you can find a deep push closer to the old shoreline the closest one its tends to be where the fish are..
and I’m fishing three-quarters Trickster spinnerbait. it’s a beat the keys spinnerbaits spinnerbaits spinnerbaits to hold the key is lake configuration and this has that long drop blade on it now you would like to call it the biggest mass in the Bassmaster Classic whatever being called on a spinnerbait in the classic at thoho attend something. it’s just a big bass bait will least everybody likes them but they kept a lot of fish but they’re not really big best blades to make them a big bass blade you got to go up to number six or seven will need to get the same water displacement that this blade blade here get the problem with that is there held up throwing to win this blade is smaller it’s about in four and a half but it displaces a lot of water and that’s what catch big fish over the years I mind it’s really no spinnerbaits no new the Colorado and Indiana’s for those who are the real late to catch big fish we don’t really have any good it’s going to be a freshman left that I out recognize and the main thing they do not understand it’s what I just talked about there is displayed configuration and you know in the type of blade that you should be using if you really want to catch bigger fish.
I designed this long drawn blade all about eight years ago because I like a little leaf are there certain situations i like the official man but because there are numbers made it I like him when you’re burning and burning it real fast but also like in Indiana first Bassmaster Classic i won i called everything on a little square bill anybody bagley honey bee except my five biggest my five biggest came waking and it to big Indiana blade it and you know Bates so I actually just in that design and debate instead I wouldn’t have to make that decision I just made a long indiana and call it a long drop its kind of a cross between a long will we finna and in Indiana and so I get the best of both worlds
special thanks to BASSMASTER.com