
あのマイクアイコネリが BASSMASTER.COM のコラムにて非常に興味深い記事を書いているので要点紹介です。それは大気圧(barometric pressure) と釣果の関係です。

低気圧の日には “デカバス”が釣れる?

ikeアイクのブログにイースタン・ケミカル会社のネリーさんという人から「釣りをする時に大気圧は気にしますか?」という質問が寄せられアクセスが凄かったので、バスマスターにこの記事を寄稿する事にしたそうです。アイクによると何人かのエリートプロは気圧計をバスボートに装着しているらしい。でもアイクはゲージを持っていないからこのサイト(Weather Underground)で数分毎でチェックしているそうだ。(天気、気圧、風速、湿度、気温が全部チェックできる。日本全国もチェック可能 [full Forecast]をクリックするとフルグラフが表示されます)

そしてアイクの釣れる気圧の方程式によると、最もバイトが得られるのは、気圧が下がってくる低気圧前線(a front is approaching)の時だそうだ。この時にはリアクション系ルアーを投げるそうだ。つまり簡単に大型が釣れるらしい。

反対にタフになる時が気圧が上昇している時か、高気圧の時だそうだ。この時は魚の活性が上がり動き回るので、バイトもとれないそうだ。大体はカバーに入るのだそうが、予想出来ない(not predictable)動きをする事もあるので難しいらしい。例としてディープに落ちる魚もいるらしい。


Neil Phillips from the Eastman Chemical Company posted a question about barometric pressure in the comments section under last week’s column. Yes, I log it in my weather information. That seems to be the most logical place.

Barometric pressure is important. It’s also complicated. We all [Elite Series pros] pay attention to it. Some of us are very detail oriented about it. You might be surprised to learn that several of the Elite guys actually have portable gauges in their boats. They watch what’s happening all the time they’re fishing and adjust their presentations accordingly.

Other guys — I’m in this group — view barometric pressure from a more general perspective. What I mean by that is that we want to know what’s happening with it, especially any changes, but we don’t necessarily follow those changes minute by minute. I do not have a gauge. I get most of my information from Weather Underground.

I’ll give you my views on what barometric pressure does to the fish but with the warning that what I say is general. There are a million exceptions.

The best bite will usually come with a falling or low and steady barometer. That’s normally when a front is approaching. The fish seem to be the most active. Under these conditions I normally throw reaction type lures and don’t worry much if my casts aren’t right on target. These are the easy fish. They’ll chase a bait.

A much tougher bite usually happens when the barometer is rising or is high and steady. The fish move with this, too, but not always in predictable ways. Sometimes they’ll pull back into the cover farther but at other times they’ll move out into deep water and suspend.

Visualize fish on a flat in 4 to 6 feet of water. They might move back under a log or laydown against the shore. They’re just as likely, however, to move out over the first break in 10 to 12 feet of water and then suspend.

If I have a choice, I fish the ones back in the cover. They’re easier to catch than those that are suspended. Either way, I almost always downsize my baits and fish with more of a finesse presentation. Precision placement of your lure matters. Take your time. Do it right.

That’s what I think. Keep in mind, though, what I said earlier. These are general rules. They don’t always hold true. Barometric pressure matters, we just don’t know exactly why all the time.

special thanks to BASSMASTER.COM

mike iaconelli