
これは使える!? 厳選スラング32選 

1. Ball-head jig:(ボールヘッドジグ)

例文:My fishing buddy told me that the ball-head jig is especially effective.

2. Bank runner:(バンクランナー)
例文:During the fishing tournament, the bank runner moved swiftly along the shore, scouting out the best fishing spots.

3. Blade: (ブレイド)
例文:He carefully selected a blade with a bright finish to attract more fish in murky water.

4. Blowdown: (ブロウダウン)
例文:The guide recommended targeting  blowdowns along the shoreline for the best chance of a big catch.

5. Bluff-burning :(ブルッフバーニング)
例文:During the tournament, he used the bluff-burning technique to cover more water and increase his chances of a big catch.

6. Bronzeback: (ブロンズバック)
意味:茶色い背中のヤツ。- スモールマウスの事。
例文:She caught a trophy bronzeback during their fishing trip to Lake Erie.

7. Brown bass :(ブラウンバス)
意味:茶色いバス – スモールマウスの事。
例文:He landed a trophy-sized brown bass after hours of patiently casting his line along the riverbank.

8. Brownie: (ブロウニィー)
意味:茶っ子ちゃん。- スモールマウスの事。
例文:Catching a Brownie requires patience and skill, as they are known to be particularly wary of lures and bait.

9. Smallie :(スモーリー)
小っちゃい子ちゃん。- スモールマウスの事。
例文:Catching a trophy smallie is always a thrill for any angler.

10. Bronze bass :(ブロンズバス)
焦げ茶バス – スモールマウスの事。
例文:Anglers enjoy targeting bronze bass for their fierce fights and striking appearance.

11. Brushpile :(ブラッシュパイル)
例文:Anglers often target the edges of a brushpile where bass like to hide.

12. Bucketmouth: (バケットマウス)
例文:Anglers often seek out the elusive bucketmouth, also known as the largemouth bass, for its thrilling fight and impressive size.

13. Bump the stump: (バンプ ザ スタンプ)
例文:Experienced anglers know that to catch big bass, you sometimes have to bump the stump with your lure.

14. Community hole:(コミュニティーホール)
例文:The local anglers knew that the best fishing could be found at the community hole, where everyone gathered to cast their lines.

15. Creature bait :(クリチャーベイト)
意味:怪物ワーム。つまりホグ系ワームの醜いヤツのワーム。例:ゲーリーの クリチャーベイト、ダイワの PUパドル など。[参考写真] 例文:He rigged up his rod with a Texas rig and a soft plastic  creature bait to target bass in the heavy cover.

16. Do Nothing:(ドゥーナッシング)
例文:The technique of  do nothing has been taken a step further to allow lures to sit on the bottom of a lake for minutes. 

17. Epilimnion:(エプリミゥオン)
意味:( Thermocline/サーモークライン)の上の暖かい水の層。日本ではサーモークラインを釣ると言われているが、実際はこのエプリミゥオン層を釣りたいが、為にエプリミゥオン層を探すのが、正しいと言われている。特に夏。USのハイランドロック系の試合で頻繁に使われる用語。例文:Anglers prefer fishing in the epilimnion during the summer months when the water is warmer and fish are more active near the surface.

18. Fizzing:(フィジング)
例文:Before releasing the fish back into the water, the angler performed the technique of fizzing to ensure its safe return to its natural habitat.

19. Float-and-fly :(フロート アンド フライ)
例文:he angler expertly cast his line using the Float-and-fly technique, enticing the fish to strike.

20. Hawg: (ホーグ)
例文:The local legend was known for catching the biggest hawgs in the lake.

21. Honey hole: (ハーニーホール)
例文:The old fisherman whispered tales of his favorite honey hole hidden deep in the forest.

22. Hypolimnion:(ハイプロリミゥオン)
意味:( Thermocline/サーモークライン)の下の冷たい水の層。
例文:The angler hoped to catch some trophy fish lurking in the depths of the hypolimnion during his fishing expedition.

23. Jig-and-pig :(ジグ アンド ピグ)
例文:The jig-and-pig lure proved to be highly effective in enticing the fish to bite in the murky waters.

24. Jump fishing :(ジャンプフィッシング)
例文:During the summer, jump fishing for salmon becomes a popular activity along the riverbanks.

25. Kentucky bass: (ケンタッキーバス)
スポッテッドバスの事。見た目は普通のバスと変わらないが、習性や活動範囲が普通のバスと違う。見分け方は舌の上にザラザラがあるバス。[参考写真] 例文:Catching a trophy-sized Kentucky bass is the ultimate goal for many fishing enthusiasts in the region.

26. Kneel and reel: (ニール アンド リール)
意味:ニーリング釣法。1982年のクラシックでポールアライスが見せた技。実は60年代後半からある地方で使われていた釣法らしい。[参考写真] 例文:In the shallows, anglers often employ the technique of kneel and reel to maintain a low profile and avoid startling the fish.

27. Ledge: (レッジ)
例文:We anchored our boat near a promising fishing ledge where the fish tend to gather.

28. Match the hatch: (マッチ ザ ハッチ)
例文:Anglers often use the strategy of “match the hatch” to select lures that closely resemble the insects or baitfish present in the water.

29. Shaking: (シャーキング)
例文:Anglers use various techniques to create enticing shaking motions that attract predatory fish.

30. Shiner :(シャイナー)
意味:シャイン。光ってるヤツ。ベイト(エサ)の事。ベイトの種類が多い為にシャイナーで呼ぶ。(例:日本では モロコ、オイカワ、タナゴ、 ハス=シャイナー)
例文:He decided to use a live fishing shiner as bait to entice the bass lurking in the deeper waters.

31. Wall-hanger :(ウォールハンガー)
例文:After a long day on the lake, he finally caught a trophy bass worthy of being a wall-hanger.

32. Wing dam: (ウィングダム)
意味:アメリカのダムでは水流の調節をする為に、所々に石やコンクリートが入れられて、浅くなったりしている。つまりシャロー [参考写真] 例文:The experienced angler knew that the best place to catch catfish was near the wing dam downstream.