©Bass Pro Shops

アメリカでも最近ジカリグが流行っているらしい。去年の今頃。アメリカのバスプロショップのウェブ記事に「The Jika Fishing Rig」というコラムが掲載された。どうやらアメリカではジカリグの事を「ジカ・フィッシング・リグ」というらしい。そしてこのジカリグのマスターこそがミズーリ州出身のバスプロ「Stacey King」彼は「a.k.a Stacey the Jika Rig King」に改名するらしい(笑)紹介されているストーリーを抜擢すると…



For the past several years, King has become a Midwest finesse devotee, but he hadn’t crossed paths with the jika rig until he read the St. Louis angler’s report on the Finesse News Network. But soon after he read that report, he began doing some research about the origins of jika rig. He quickly found that its origins are Japanese.Thus, he consulted Shin and Miyu Fukae of Osaka, Japan and Palestine,Texas. Fukae and King are colleagues on the FLW tournament circuit.They taught him how to pronounce it in Japanese, telling him that ji in Japanese is pronounced like Z and ka is pronounced like kah.They also told him that jika means direct in Japanese. The Fukaes suspected that its name was derived from the fact that the sinker is attached with split rings directly to hook, which is different from the way a sinker is attached to a leader below the hook on a drop-shot rig.As King began accumulating more and more information about the jika rig, he also started making them and catching significant numbers of largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass on them at Table Rock Lake. It didn’t take many days of wielding it before he became addicted to the jika rig’s manifold merits. To this day, he is learning and more and more about them, and he continues to make subtle refinements in the ways that he assembles, dresses and fishes his jika rigs.