米時間 4月21日〜24日にミズーリ州で開催されたバスマスターエリートシリーズ「ブル ショールズ/ノーフォーク戦」マイクアイコネリは67位 圏外(獲得賞金0円 )でフィッニッシュ。アイクチャンネルから最新のテクニックがアップされているので要点要約紹介です。英文も起こしておきますので参考までに。
2つの湖と2つのパターン”two different lakes to two different patterns”
ハイ。マイクアイコネリです。日本の皆さん元気にしていたかな?今日はこないだ行われたバスマスターエリートシリーズ「Bull Shoal/Norfork戦」のパターンを紹介するよ。この試合は非常に難しかったよ。理由は全くを持って違う性質の湖が2つになった試合エリアだったんだ。残念ながら今回の順位は圏外の67位。①ノーフォーク湖(右):クリアーな水質でまだ魚がスポーニングシーズン真っ最中。②ブル ショールズ湖(左):この湖は満水で水質はマッディー。そこら中にブッシュカーバーが混在していた。それ故に2つのパターンを用意してこの試合に望まなければならなかったんだ。
ノーフォーク湖ではアメリカでトレンドなリグ「ネグリグ」を使用した。使用したワームは5インチのフラットストレートワームにマッシュルームのヘッドのジグヘット。ワームはヘッドを一節カットし、フラットサイドが下にくるようセットしてカーブスライド(glides down on the fall)させて喰わせた。キャッチした魚のサイズは上がらなかったものの30~40本は一日にとれたよ。そして使用したロッドは7フィートのミディアムアクションのスピニングロッドにフロロカーボンの8ポンドを使用した。
ブル ショールズ湖では「ブッシュ」がキーワードだった。ここではフリップベイトを2種のカラーで使い分けた。濁りが薄い所ではグリーンパンプキン。そして濁りが濃い所ではブラックブルーフレイク。カバーはエッジから撃っていくのではなく、ど真ん中に一撃で入れていくパターン。98%のバイトはファーストフォールだったよ。(bites came on the initial fall)
ここでの肝は14グラムのシンカーを使用してテールをピリピリさせてるのが重要だったよ。ロッドは8フィートのフリッピングロッドにリールは8:1(はちいち)のハイギア。ラインはフロロカーボンの20ポンドを使用したんだ。P.S オオモリサン!オメデトウゴザイマス。
Wrangling up a 2-day, 22lb limit on bull shoals and norfork lake, michael iaconelli put his versatility to the test, fishing two very different bodies of water. Using a one-two combination of baits, ike was able to fool clear water fish with a ned rig and structure-tight fish with punching rig. Utilizing berkley’s devil spear and flat dawg, mike powered his presentation with the abu garcia ike series finesse casting rods and the abu garcia ike series power rods, both backed by abu garcia reels.
A tackle warehouse fans michael “ike” iaconelli. Wanna give you the recap for the north oak lake bull shoals event really cool tournament. Because we had two different lakes to think about and there were two completely different patterns.
You know norfork was a clear lake where there were a lot of fish in the spawning face and debate are used as a really cool bait and it’s a really hot trending technique called ned rig and i fished debate on or folk called the ned rig and if you look at the network is pretty simple and you know the bait that i use for the network is a habit bait and it’s called a flat dog it’s 5 inch soft stick bait. And what i do is all bits just about an inch off the head of it i make that about four and a half inches. And then i guess to read it on a jig head and if you look at that gym again it’s what we call a mushroom or gulf style head had this is a VMC half moon jig head dietitian in the1/8 and 3/16 town sizes depending on the wind and all i did with that flat dog as i basically threaded it on that dick head and just pulled it up there so he just threatened trade on your thing one remembers you want to have the flat side facing down and when you do that on that date it glides down on the fall once it hits the bottom it skips along the bottom real nice and i caught thirty to forty fish a day on that network unfortunately a lot of them are smaller but that was a great base for me on norfolk.
The rod and reel that i used for that mate was an abu garcia ike series finess rod. I used a seven-foot medium action rods a perfect rod for the network and of course the real thats at brand new abu garcia revo mgx 20 and i fished in a ned rig on 8lb100% triline fluorocarbon.
We had to switch lakes we had to switch gears and we went to bull shoals and bushels was full pool the water was staying the lot areas and most importantly the water was in the bushes and anytime the waters in the bushes i’m thinking about a foot by and whenever i’m flippin bush’s this is always one of the key bates for me that i’m throwin and you know what it is it’s the devil spear austin bay and i fished in the regular size and i change colors up i fished green pumpkin magic fish black blue the clear the water the more i went to the green pumpkin the journey of the water the more i went to that black and blue collar if you look at the hawk dfficient on a five-shot vmc hd flip and hawk and then of course the final piece is a used of vmc 1/2 oz tungsten wait you know the key to this bay was to get it right in the middle of the bush…
You hear about guys talking about the outside edges first for me it was one flip straight to the middle 98% of my bites came on the initial fall and you know that devil spear has at serrated tale that’s at berkeley have a devil spear and when it falls quickly that half ounce comes to wait that tail flaps the whole way down to the middle that bush they thought it was a little bluegill and they ate it up for tackling that one you know i fished it on a heady rod when i hope demand that bush i wanted to write out of there…
I used the abu garcia ike series 8ft power rod and this 8ft rod was designed especially for pitching of flipping and then finally on the real i used the revo stx real and it’s got that 8:1 retrieve super fast cure a she oh and i fished on 20lb berkeley trial 100% fluorocarbon never broken fischoff land every fish hooked in those bushes map say what a neat tournament to go from clearwater lake to a lake that stain in the bushes utilize in two different soft baits great week for me that’s my recap for north oak bushels like it really gives you an amazing bait fish profile.