思っていた以上に釣れたビックリ “ビッククランク”

今回のお気に入りハードルアーの紹介は ラッキークラフト社 SKTマグナム110MR (ビックスクエアビルクランク) です。平成最後の ビックヒットルアー といっても過言ではないかなと思います。全長:110mm 自重:56.0g *カルティバトレブルフック3/0に変更。丁度、レモン一個分程の大きさ。毎年、琵琶湖水系でも 色々なルアーが流行ります。まずは “釣果実績” が前提だと思うんですが、釣果実績 があっても流行らないルアーもたくさんあると思います。例えば 使い方が分からなかったり、専用のロッドやリールが必要だったりとです。これもそんな類の キワモノルアー だと思います。

ただ ひとつだけ違うことは “リップ” が付いている ルアー だということ。これは私が引いても貴方が引いても 全く同じ動きで ブルブル と潜ります。この ルアーを引くことだけに 関しては言えば特殊な技術は一切必要無いと思います。他のディープモノと比べると 軽い巻き心地です。つまりは 釣り歴 に関係が無く 誰でも同じアクションが出せるという事です。

このルアーは 圧倒的な所有感 と 釣果実績 を備えています。ルックスもGOODですね。

この2年間は ハードにボロボロになるまで 使用したが、一度も壊れていない。コスパもGOODですね。


自分の記憶では 潜行深度は マックス 4.5メートル (20lbフロロ使用) でした。これを応用して 琵琶湖チャンネルラインの 点在するウィードのトップをかすめながら 使用しました。その他の使い方としては 桟橋の周辺やゴミやレイダウンの周辺等々、全国各地で色々な使い方があります。

SKTマグナムの使い方を もう少し具体的に掘り下げると ルアーをキャストして着水後、7~8回グリグリと巻いて ウィードにタッチ、そして ステイ&ドッジ で ムニュ~ とバイトが出る感じでした。自然と前の方も後ろの方にも釣れました。

Introduction: Abnormally sized artificial lures are really nothing new in bass fishing circles. Anglers have been successfully fishing baits measuring eight to twelve inches and more for well over decade, and if you include species other than bass, even longer than that. Even so, these so called “swimbaits” continue to inspire thoughts of disbelief to the uninitiated who are accustomed to tossing smaller, more manageable lures like spinnerbaits, jigs, and so on. Well, now the “lure-of-unusual-size” (L-O-U-S) syndrome has crept into other types of baits as well. Most notably over the past year has been the emergence of L-O-U-S crankbaits. Leading that charge is non-other than Lucky Craft. Here now is our look at the SKT Magnum MR & DR series of crankbaits.

SKT マグナムクランク 琵琶湖釣果 写真Quality/Construction: I can’t remember the last time, if ever, that I opened a package containing a bait from Lucky Craft and was disappointed at the result. This company knows how to put together a good looking product out of the package and the SKT Magnum cranks are no exception. Finish on these baits, while rather modest by LC standards is very good as is the detailing. Hardware is all very stout and feels like it will hold up to abuse and overall craftsmanship is very good.

Performance: The trick with these baits is finding the right rod, reel and line to use when cranking them up. I turned to my Megabass F4.5-711GTA Ultimate Cranking stick, matched with an Abu Garcia Revo Winch spooled with 20lb Sunline SuperNatural.

Castability: The SKT Magnum series of baits from Lucky Craft are big. They are big and they are heavy, yet often even with baits of this size, casting can be a little bit tricky if there’s no internal weight transfer system to change the bait’s center of gravity during a cast. The SKT Magnum baits have no internal weight transfer system, yet they cast just fine. The largest, 120 MAG DR, can, at times, get caught in a breeze and blow off target slightly, but these are hardly baits you’re looking to place with pin point accuracy. They’re just too big and clumsy to demand finesse placement.

Dive Time: Crank the handle of your reel over and the SKT Magnum cranks begin diving right away although I question the dive angle of the 120 Mag DR because it does take some time for that bait to hit maximum depth. Granted this could also have to do with how far this bait can dive. Using 20lb Sunline Supernatural I was able to reach what felt like bottom in 20 – 25 feet of water (according to the depth finder).

琵琶湖ブラックバスボート釣果 SKT ZOOMマグナム 写真Speed: Once the DR hits its running depth it’s a little difficult to retrieve it at anything greater than a medium cadence. Deep diving cranks just are not meant to be retrieved fast. The MR, however, can be moved at just about any speed though I did not try burning it with a super high speed reel.

Deflection: One thing I really like about the SKT Mag DR is the way it bounces off obstacles lying on the bottom whether that be bottom contours, stumps, boulders, etc., the DR does a good job of moving around and avoiding hangups. On the few occasions where I did manage to hang the bait up, the situation was quickly resolved by positioning the boat to pull the bait up from a different direction meaning it’s the bill that got caught and not the hooks.
