rapala-shad-rap-color-shousai-osusume-5USラパラにラインナップされている沢山のルアーの数々。 DTクランクシリーズのみでもオリジナルで36色。少しずつですが制作者側サイドから詳しく説明されている動画がアップされているので要点翻訳紹介です。今回はUSラパラ プロスタッフのジェイコブ ウィーラーによる「春先のシャッドパターンのカラーチョイス」です。


jacob-wheelerヨオメ〜ン。今日はテーブルロックレイクに来ているよ。私の大好きな低水温期の “シャッドラップパターン” を紹介しようと思うよ。私は沢山のラパラシャッドラップをコレクションしている。どれもサイズは5から7まで揃っている。なかには生産中止なレアなカラーもあるけどね。今日もここにはボックス一杯のシャッドラップを持参した。でもこのブログを見ている方は心配しなくても大丈夫!釣れるカラー4点を紹介します。


rapala-shad-rap-color-shousai-osusume-3②シャッド・・・シャッドのオススメカラーは “シャッド”さ。ジョークじゃないよ。ペイントしているシャッドカラーの方さ。クローダットでバイトが得られない時はこれをチョイスする。水深60センチから90センチの良く見える場所での出番が多いね。

rapala-shad-rap-color-shousai-osusume-2③リバーシャッド・・・今年からお気に入りになったカラーが “リバーシャッド” 見た目はダセ〜が中身にはアルミホイルが貼ってあり背中がブルーなんだ。インパクトが強いから少し投げるだけかな。ブルーバックヘリングとはまた一味違ったカラーだね。



rs次にタックルを紹介するよ。使用するロッドはスコットマーティンがプロデュースしたワーム用のTCSスピニングロッド。長さは69(ろくきゅう) のシェイキーヘッド用のロッド。あまりティップが入らないロッドがいい。とにかくショアラインに散らばるロックやボトムに常にコンタクトさせていくアプローチになるから それらを考慮したロッドが必要となる。ラインはナイロンの8ポンドを使用している。深いレンジ3m〜6mを攻める時にはフロロカーボンを使用するが、大体はナイロンラインでカバーしている。次のシーズンは潮回りと水温&気温を調べてみて 実際にフィールドに足を運んでみてくれ。

rapala-shad-rap-color-shousai-osusume-8Jacob wheeler is here on Table Rock Lake springtime. I want to show you one of my favorite cold water crankbaits the shad rap get this box out you have a full cold action of them right here every different color discontinued was everything. but you know you don’t need all these crankbaits for sure I have a because you never know what you’re going to your face out there are on the road but you can get by with a few different colors and first I’ll show you a couple of my favorite little colors.

crawdad is a stand by number six shad rap. number six is really good. it’s in between sizes i pretty much throw five six and seven in a row number six and try that it is a stand by for sure and that’s going to be more than the waters a little bit stained up on the backs of the creeks stuff like that. I like it like a shad rap. when it’s cold but i also like it when you have a little stain on the water. i want the fish to get up there how we have stained water when in cold water a lot of times it’s difficult but those official slide up a little shallow water clear water. they’re going to sit a little deeper than shatter it will get so it for me it’s a stained water technique when the shadow really you know there’s that time of year the real thorac i’m in this bait really looks exactly like you know shut down shot.

Number two color would be hey let’s make it simple it’s sad so we got crawdad we gotta had how hard is that I’m this one I like it was a painted shad this one’s really good one at got 2 to 3-foot visibility the ring on the shadow that’s a really good good color.

One of my new favorite colors this year in the clear water it’s a foil is a live river shad you know that’s a no really good looking almost like a blue back here and looking deal river shad a really catches them and then last but not least you know you’re short cruises.

I have one right here little blue chartreuse you know the water little stain and they don’t see more that that caught this cold steel you know trick a steel head colored man that he the bass really eat this one it’s a killer it’s a killer.

biwako-bass-hokuko-point-shoukai-14Now let’s talk about rod set up you know I see a lot of guys asking you doing on spinning rod yo shad raps are pretty white to a lot of times you don’t figure out your own a bait cast what do you like for me i’ll throw 6 foot 9 inch spinning outfit TCS Scott Martin rod it’s a sexually shaky head rod it’s real parabolic has a really good action really allows you to you want a little tip and you don’t want to be real flimsy but you wanted a little tip in your hour you can really cast that made out there and crank along those rocks and parallel shore lines King into you know hitting those rocks is really key thing without shad rap and any crank for that matters you know hitting those rocks and keeping contact with the bottom.

it’s a lot more bites you know as far as line size i would recommend 8-pound suffix promix it’s actually a mono filament that’s what I like it casually well you want online it’s going to casually well I’m spinning rod I’ve tried braids I’ve tried four carbons i will throw a something for carbon in six and eight but that promix for me I feel like if you get a line that cash really well and you get you know 10 or 20 more feet out of your cast you’re going to get down just as deep as it is a fluorocarbon well anyway so that’s my setup that’s what I like the next time you’re out in the spring tide on a shot rap cold water you catch a lot more bass hopefully helps yes social media this is the real world here really gotta catch the fish.