米国で人気のバスフィッシングウェブサイト「wired2fish Youtube」からのシェアです。内容は強豪バスプロ4人「Skeet Reese, KVD, Davy Hite, Scott Rock」出演による動画です。おもしろかったので、翻訳紹介です。英文もお越しておきます。参考までに。
SKEET REESE: if i said if anywhere around the country. summertime. if you only have a half a day to go missed go to the bank. visual cover you can see trees docs grass and one of the best ways got to be. some years ago Prague and throw it in the shoreline vegetation and even have a good opportunity to catch a break this hopefully that one little tip will have to catch fish
KVD: made the biggest thing if you’re gonna go to new water that you’re unfamiliar with is trying to get a map that way you got a general idea of what the lake has to offer and and you know what you might be able to define the numbers to thing is look at the seasonal pattern figure out what fish you know should be doing for that time of the year you know four inches in the spring you’re thinking about the sponsor you want to look for those shallow flats in areas like that on that map so find the area on the map that fits the seasonal pattern and that will help very narrow the search the third thing is I don’t ever spend more than 10 minutes in one area when I’m looking for fish without making a change your movement if I don’t find anything I’m not trying to catch them all I’m just trying to find areas that have you know use fast-moving page that you can cover a lot of water with and try to get a reaction strike to let you know what the fish might be doing what they hold line and what the moveand then you can always narrow it down and slow down you gotta find them before you catch him so you gotta cover water quick
DAVY HITE: if you’re going to live for thefirst time you’ve just got a few hoursgo out there what do you do first thingI would say is get out on the water anduse your use your eyes looking visually the best cover and vegetation brush dollars whatever you might have on aboutwater also look at your electronics home electronics you have you know nowadayswe’ve got such good electronics but looking at electronics and then visually look for food and cover and start fishing around those two things you’ve got to have those two things that have passed most of the time look at the best available food best cover first and then food around the cover if you see brain wash everything around them cover start right there these basic you’re you’re comfortable wit and fish my lifetime
SCOTT ROCK: if ever been to and I’ve got five six hours of fish for fish I’ll look for visible cover photo Knox brockhouse down trees stumps anything like that something visible you can cover that a lot better I’m gonna put some type of guy that I can cover a lot of water with a score of 800 Strike King KVD 1.5 or something like that and try to cover as much water as you can and try to put together something of those fish hold on then I might slow down and put some type of symplectic come out on the boat docks lighthouse and I talked up
Most recreational anglers don’t have a lengthly pre-fishing period to dial in a bite. The challenge is getting out there with little on-the-water time, but yet, still putting together a game plan that produces plenty of hook setting. The old military acronym KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) states that most systems work best when they’re kept simple, rather than complicating. Hmmm, now fishing sounds like the place to apply KISS, especially when faced with little time, or a new body of water. Don “db” Barone takes his short form Q&A video format to several Elite Series pros with the simple question: “If you’re new to a body of water, how do you quickly find & catch bass?” The answers are remarkably simple.